don't buy it!

2011-12-15 / 23:04:23
Someway along this road of comlications
I hope to feel the way that you used to make me feel
Every bomp on the way is just for wastning time until the next come around
So make sure to let me go before I open my eyes
Don't buy the crap I tell you, I just want to be nice
i need you to know that it wasnt the same when i lost you
but time caught up on me and know I'm playing the hell out of you
just to have something to do, just making sure that my heart still refuse
just to get back the time that you made me lose

If you're looking for love and romance
boy, I'm dancing a hell of another dance
I'm keeping myself far away from that crap
so I dont end up once again, lonely and sad
I keep puttin on my disguise to make sure you don't see me through
to make sure you have no idea what Im capable of to do

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